We promise you 100% Money Back Guarantee if you fail to clear your actual certification exam in your first attempt. We are confident that you will not get a chance to use this option.

Unfortunately If you don't get certified in the first attempt of the actual certification exam, we will refund the money you paid for the premium practice exam access.

1. Please email us the following details with your www.certfun.com order # number on refund@certfun.com

  • Exam attempt certificate provided by vendor

  • The vendor certification training completion certificate provided by Authorized Training Center (Only if training is mandatory)

  • Government authorized User ID with Photo

2. The amount will be refunded within 10 business days to your credit/debit card which was used during payment on our website.


- The document details must match with the details provided while purchasing a product on www.certfun.com.

- Actual certification exam must be attended after at least 15 days of practice with the premium certification practice exam on www.certfun.com.

- The product purchased under any offer is not entitled to 100% Money Back Guarantee.

- The user must have scored minimum 80% once during entire practice with premium certification practice exam on www.certfun.com.

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