The purpose of this Sample Question Set is to provide you with information about the ASIS Associate Protection Professional (APP) exam. These sample questions will make you very familiar with both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the APP certification test. To get familiar with real exam environment, we suggest you try our Sample ASIS APP Certification Practice Exam. This sample practice exam gives you the feeling of reality and is a clue to the questions asked in the actual ASIS Associate Protection Professional (APP) certification exam.
These sample questions are simple and basic questions that represent likeness to the real ASIS Associate Protection Professional exam questions. To assess your readiness and performance with real-time scenario based questions, we suggest you prepare with our Premium ASIS APP Certification Practice Exam. When you solve real time scenario based questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve.
ASIS APP Sample Questions:
01. Which risk mitigation strategy is best suited for protecting sensitive information from external cyber threats?
a) Disabling all security features to improve system performance
b) Relying only on antivirus software
c) Allowing open internet access without restrictions
d) Implementing network segmentation and intrusion detection systems (IDS)
02. How does an organization apply risk avoidance in its security strategy?
a) By eliminating high-risk activities or processes
b) By ignoring risks that have low probability
c) By accepting all risks without mitigation
d) By increasing security budget without assessment
03. Why is proper contract management essential when hiring security vendors?
a) To avoid contract renewal reviews
b) To minimize vendor responsibilities
c) To define expectations, service levels, and legal responsibilities
d) To allow vendors full control over security operations
04. How can an organization improve communication between security teams and leadership?
a) Avoiding security-related discussions in leadership meetings
b) Providing structured reporting and regular briefings
c) Limiting communication to critical incidents only
d) Using informal channels without documentation
05. When coordinating an organization's external security relations, what is the most effective method?
a) Building partnerships with law enforcement, security agencies, and industry groups
b) Keeping security concerns private and avoiding external collaboration
c) Relying solely on internal security staff for all security-related matters
d) Restricting communication with external organizations to emergencies only
06. An organization is implementing a security awareness program. What is the most effective way to ensure employee engagement?
a) Providing a one-time security training session with no follow-up
b) Using interactive training methods, real-life scenarios, and periodic assessments
c) Requiring employees to memorize security policies without real-world application
d) Limiting security training to only IT personnel
07. Why is it important to conduct post-incident reviews in risk management?
a) To avoid updating risk management strategies
b) To replace ongoing risk assessments
c) To evaluate response effectiveness and improve future preparedness
d) To limit the role of security teams
08. What is a fundamental requirement when developing a physical security program for an organizational asset?
a) Installing physical barriers without conducting a security survey
b) Incorporating resource management, technology, and security personnel
c) Allowing unrestricted access to employees
d) Relying solely on surveillance cameras for asset protection
09. Which of the following best describes a key principle of workplace violence prevention programs?
a) Implementing early warning systems and employee training to identify and prevent threats
b) Responding to workplace violence only after an incident occurs
c) Relying solely on law enforcement to handle workplace violence cases
d) Focusing on physical security measures while ignoring behavioral threats
10. What is the primary role of an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in incident response?
a) To focus only on cybersecurity threats
b) To replace security teams during an incident
c) To conduct financial audits after an incident
d) To coordinate and manage crisis response efforts
Question: 01 Answer: d |
Question: 02 Answer: a |
Question: 03 Answer: c |
Question: 04 Answer: b |
Question: 05 Answer: a |
Question: 06 Answer: b |
Question: 07 Answer: c |
Question: 08 Answer: b |
Question: 09 Answer: a |
Question: 10 Answer: d |
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