Atlassian ITSM with Jira Service Management Foundations (ACA-910) Certification Sample Questions

Atlassian ACA-910 VCE, ITSM with Jira Service Management Foundations Dumps, ACA-910 PDF, ACA-910 Dumps, ITSM with Jira Service Management Foundations VCE, Atlassian ACA-ITSMF PDFGetting knowledge of the Atlassian ACA-910 exam structure and question format is vital in preparing for the Atlassian ITSM with Jira Service Management Foundations certification exam. Our Atlassian ITSM with Jira Service Management Foundations sample questions offer you information regarding the question types and level of difficulty you will face in the real exam. The benefit of using these Atlassian ACA-910 sample questions is that you will get to check your preparation level or enhance your knowledge by learning the unknown questions. You will also get a clear idea of the exam environment and exam pattern you will face in the actual exam with the Atlassian ITSM with Jira Service Management Foundations Sample Practice Test. Therefore, solve the Atlassian ACA-ITSMF sample questions to stay one step forward in grabbing the Atlassian Certified Associate - ITSM with Jira Service Management Foundations (ACA-ITSMF) credential.

These Atlassian ACA-910 sample questions are simple and basic questions similar to the actual Atlassian ITSM with Jira Service Management Foundations questions. If you want to evaluate your preparation level, we suggest taking our Atlassian ITSM with Jira Service Management Foundations Premium Practice Test. You might face difficulties while solving the real-exam-like questions. But, you can work hard and build your confidence on the syllabus topics through unlimited practice attempts.

Atlassian ACA-910 Sample Questions:

01. What distinguishes the user types of collaborator and request participant?
a) The ability to view a ticket submitted by someone else.
b) The ability to submit a ticket on behalf of another customer.
c) The ability to approve someone else’s ticket.
d) The ability to be assigned to a ticket.
e) The ability to add an internal comment.

02. Jake received an email stating that his assigned ticket was approved. Which notification type is this?
a) Request participant notification
b) Team notification
c) Customer notification
d) Approval notification

03. The ACME company regularly documents their incident resolutions, provides access to troubleshooting and how-to articles, enables user feedback, holds regular content reviews, and archives documents when needed.
What is the correct ITSM term for this practice?

a) Security management
b) Asset management
c) Change management
d) Knowledge management
e) Configuration management

04. Alan is a developer who needs to review tickets and then provide internal comments to assist the agents in a JSM project. What configuration change is needed?
a) Update the JQL in a queue.
b) Modify the default notification scheme.
c) Assign Alan to a role.
d) Add an approval step to the workflows.
e) Remove a field from a screen.

05. Requirements state that P3 tickets should be set to Escalated status if they have not been updated in a week. Which feature of Jira Service Management can be configured to satisfy this requirement?
a) Automation
b) SLAs
c) Escalation policies
d) Alerts
e) Team notifications

06. Currently, your team only has Jira Service Management. Which task would require implementing another Atlassian tool?
a) To add an approval step to certain service requests.
b) To inform all users about the statuses of different services.
c) To create an Incident ticket.
d) To share a ticket with another customer.
e) To request more information from the customer who submitted a ticket.

07. Several actions were performed by different user types in Jira Service Management. Which action was definitely performed by an agent?
a) Assigned themselves to a ticket.
b) Viewed a ticket submitted by another customer.
c) Added an attachment to a ticket.
d) Submitted a request through the customer portal.
e) Approved a request for a new laptop.

08. Over the weekend, a server unexpectedly went off line. Which ITSM practice will be used to determine the root cause?
a) Change management
b) Incident management
c) Knowledge management
d) Asset management
e) Problem management

09. In a particular portal, customers see request types categorized by the type of device they need help with, including “Laptops”, “Mobile devices” and “Printers”. What determines this categorization?
a) Portal groups
b) SLAs
c) Automation
d) Queues
e) Screens

10. Review the following timeline of events:
1. Dave submitted a ticket through an online portal that his laptop was having issues.
2. The agent working the ticket cross-referenced the serial number and determined that Dave’s computer needed a software patch.
3. The agent wrote a how-to article to help other users who need the patch.
Which three tools were used in this timeline?
a) Jira service management, Assets, Statuspage
b) Jira service management, Assets, Confluence
c) Jira service management, Confluence, Statuspage
d) Jira, Jira service management, Assets
e) Atlassian Assist, Assets, Confluence


Question: 01
Answer: e
Question: 02
Answer: b
Question: 03
Answer: d
Question: 04
Answer: c
Question: 05
Answer: a
Question: 06
Answer: b
Question: 07
Answer: a
Question: 08
Answer: e
Question: 09
Answer: a
Question: 10
Answer: b

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