Atlassian Jira Administration for Data Center (ACP-JA) Exam Syllabus

Jira Administration for Data Center PDF, ACP-100 Dumps, ACP-100 PDF, Jira Administration for Data Center VCE, ACP-100 Questions PDF, Atlassian ACP-100 VCE, Atlassian ACP-JA Dumps, Atlassian ACP-JA PDFUse this quick start guide to collect all the information about Atlassian Jira Administration for Data Center (ACP-100) Certification exam. This study guide provides a list of objectives and resources that will help you prepare for items on the ACP-100 Atlassian Jira Administration for Data Center exam. The Sample Questions will help you identify the type and difficulty level of the questions and the Practice Exams will make you familiar with the format and environment of an exam. You should refer this guide carefully before attempting your actual Atlassian ACP-JA certification exam.

The Atlassian Jira Administration for Data Center certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in Jira domain. The Atlassian Certified Professional Jira Administrator (ACP-JA) exam verifies that the candidate possesses the fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of Atlassian ACP-JA.

Atlassian Jira Administration for Data Center Exam Summary:

Exam Name Atlassian Certified Professional Jira Administrator (ACP-JA)
Exam Code ACP-100
Exam Price $100 (USD)
Duration 180 mins
Number of Questions 67
Passing Score 66%
Books / Training Jira Administration Part 1 Data Center
Jira administration part 2 Data Center
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Sample Questions Atlassian Jira Administration for Data Center Sample Questions
Practice Exam Atlassian ACP-100 Certification Practice Exam

Atlassian ACP-100 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details Weights
Access, Permissions, Security - Understand application access, users, and groups
- This topic includes
  • Understand how user directories are configured and the impact of user directory order on managing users and groups
  • Differentiate between deactivating and deleting users and the steps that must be performed beforehand such as updating project lead, component lead, and issue assignments
  • Understand the impact of deleting a group used in schemes, workflow conditions, JQL queries, and restricted comments
  • Understand the project role browser and default membership
  • Know where groups and project roles are used throughout Jira
  • Understand the difference between private versus public mode under General Configuration settings

- Understand admin privileges
- This topic includes:

  • Understand the scope and limitations of Extended Project Administration
  • Distinguish what actions can be performed by each of the following: board admins, project admins (with and without Extended Project Administration), Jira admins, and Jira System admins
  • Be able to grant each of the above admin privileges based on requirements

- Configure global permissions
- This topic includes:

  • Understand the purpose of each global permission Recall that global permissions are only granted to groups
  • Distinguish project vs. global permissions

- Configure project permissions
- This topic includes:

  • Understand the purpose of each project permission
  • Recall which permission entries can be added
  • Understand the implications of using User Picker and Group Picker custom fields in project permissions
  • Recall permissions that are used in combination
  • Differentitate when to use groups versus project roles based on requirements
  • Understand anonymous access
  • Understand the impacts of using “Anyone on the web” group in permissions

- Configure issue-level security
- This topic includes:

  • Identify use cases for enabling issue-level security
  • Recall the steps to configure issue-level security
  • Understand how groups and project roles are used in issue level security
  • Recall which entries can be added to security levels, including Reporter, User Picker and Group Picker custom fields and their implications
  • Understand how issue-level security integrates with project permissions
  • Understand that users can set Comment Visibility
  • Know that Comment Visibility can be updated to groups and/or project roles under General Configuration settings
Project Configuration - Understand project templates and shared configurations
- This topic includes:
  • Distinguish project templates
  • Demonstrate expertise in configuring project schemes
  • Identify which parts are always unique to projects and which can be shared
  • Analyze the impacts of modifying a shared scheme
  • Determine when to split a project into two to meet business requirements

- Manage versions and components
- This topic includes:

  • Understand that versions and components are projectspecific
  • Understand what happens to issues and versions during archive, merge and release
  • Know the rules for issue assignement based on project default and component default

- Configure issue collectors
- This topic includes:

  • Be able to create and configure an issue collector
  • Understand how the issue collector integrates with project permissions and required fields
  • Set a default reporter
  • Know which fields can be added to the issue collector form
Issue Types, Fields, Screens - Configure issue types
- This topic includes:
  • Distinguish which project configurations are mapped to issue types (e.g. workflow, required fields, screens, custom field context) and which are not (e.g. components, versions, security levels, permissions)
  • Know the required steps to enable and disable sub-tasks in a single project or globally
  • Understand the use cases, prerequisites, and impacts of adding, updating, renaming, and deleting issue types
  • Understand that the Default Issue Type Screen Scheme contains all issue types
  • Know how to use bulk edit to change issue types, including moving between projects
  • Understand the use cases for creating a new issue type versus a new field

- Configure fields
- This topic includes:

  • Know the available custom field types
  • Differentiate the need for custom fields of type Select List, Checkboxes, and Labels versus system fields such as Components and Labels
  • Know the purpose of custom field context (to have different options and default values in different projects or issue types)
  • Recall that you cannot have different custom field contexts for different issue types in the same project
  • Know the purpose of field configurations (to Hide/Show and Optional/Required fields)
  • Know that toggling Hide/Show in field configuration requires re-indexing to return correct search results
  • Understand the relationships between fields and permissions
  • Understand how the “Configure Fields” user setting is used by individual users
  • Troubleshoot configurations that impact field visibility and editibility (screen, field configuration, custom field context, Configure Fields user setting, etc.)

- Configure screens
- This topic includes:

  • Understand screens, screen schemes and issue type screen schemes
  • Understand transition screens used in workflow
  • Understand how screens impact field visibility
Workflows and Automation - Configure workflows
- This topic includes:
  • Know that workflows are mapped to issue types
  • Be able to update workflows and workflow schemes
  • Configure workflow properties, triggers, conditions, validators, post functions, and transition screens
  • Understand how workflows integrate with event notifications, including custom events
  • Know how to set a resolution and limit resolution choices within a workflow
  • Understand how permissions are used in workflows
  • Understand the relationship between workflows and agile boards

- Configure automation rules
- This topic includes:

  • Translate requirements into automation rule triggers, conditions, and actions
  • Understand what issues are updated in rule branches
  • Understand the relationship between automation rules, workflows, and project permissions
Notifications - Understand mail handling
- This topic includes:
  • Understand the “Create a new issue or add a comment to an existing issue” mail handler and it’s settings
  • Understand which fields can be configured, especially Assignee and Watchers
  • Understand how the email handler integrates with project permissions
  • Understand that Jira sends emails based on events in project notification schemes, automation rules, and also filter subscriptions

- Configure notifications
- This topic includes:

  • Differentiate notification events fired from issue operations and workflow transitions
  • Know what entries can be added as notification recipients
  • Understand that project permissions and issue-level security may restrict notifications
  • Understand that workflow post functions can be configured to fire any system or custom event
  • Know how to configure and use custom events
  • Know that Jira admins can set two notification-related User Default Settings and that users can update My Changes and Autowatch in their user profile
  • Troubleshoot notification-related issues
Advanced User Features - Write advanced JQL queries
- This topic includes:
  • Understand JQL syntax particularly the functions startOfWeek(), startOfMonth(), openSprints(),
  • closedSprints(), futureSprints(), linkedIssues(), and the operators Changed and Was
  • Know that parentheses should be used with multiple clauses containing both AND and OR keywords to determine which clauses are evaluated
  • Know that search terms containing more than one word should be in quotations
  • Know that mutually exclusive clauses will return zero issues
  • Be able to interpret JQL queries to predict the results returned

- Configure filters, dashboards, subscriptions
- This topic includes:

  • Understand that filter and dashboard sharing restrict which users can see them
  • Know the impact of the settings “Default sharing for filters and dashboards” and “Allow users to share dashboards and filters with the public”
  • Understand that “Browse Projects” permission and issue-level security restrict what issues are visible in filters, dashboards, and subscriptions
  • Know that you can create a personal subscription (for yourself) or a group filter subscription (sent to a single group)
  • Predict who will receive group filter subscriptions that contain the JQL functions such as currentUser() and projectsWhereUserHasRole()

- Understand bulk operations
- This topic includes:

  • Understand the bulk change wizard and the steps and results of each bulk operation
  • Understand how permission and workflow configuration may prevent users from performing bulk operations
  • Understand adding and replacing field values with bulk change especially with Labels, Components, Fix Version/s and custom Select List fields
  • Understand which fields may need mapping during a bulk move operation
Jira Administration - Configure global user interface features
- This topic includes:
  • Understand the Day and Date/Time Formats in Jira’s Look and Feel configuration
  • Understand how to modify date/time formats for both selection and display
  • Understand how to configure the application navigator, including hiding links
  • Under the announcement banner Public/Private setting
  • Know that the Send Email feature can send a message to Groups or Project Roles

- Configure attachments, linking, time-tracking, and General Configuration
- This topic includes:

  • Know how to configure attachment options
  • Know how to enable issue linking globally
  • Configure application links between separate Jira instances
  • Understand global time tracking settings
  • Understand which settings are configured on the
  • General Configuration page including “Allow unassigned issues”, “Comment visibility”, etc.

- Configure statuses, resolutions, priorities
- This topic includes:

  • Know how to create statuses, resolutions, and priorities
  • Know that renaming these fields may impact JQL queries
  • Know which fields can be translated
  • Know how to create and associate a priority scheme

- Understand CSV import
- This topic includes:

  • Be able to import CSV files through External System Import
  • Know how to map fields and add new values
  • Recognize a well-formatted CSV file, including Multi Select List fields

To ensure success in Atlassian ACP-JA certification exam, we recommend authorized training course, practice test and hands-on experience to prepare for Atlassian Jira Administration for Data Center (ACP-100) exam.

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