Broadcom API Management Technical (250-573) Certification Sample Questions

Broadcom 250-573 VCE, API Management Technical Dumps, 250-573 PDF, 250-573 Dumps, API Management Technical VCEGetting knowledge of the Broadcom 250-573 exam structure and question format is vital in preparing for the Symantec API Management Technical Specialist certification exam. Our Broadcom API Management Technical sample questions offer you information regarding the question types and level of difficulty you will face in the real exam. The benefit of using these Broadcom 250-573 sample questions is that you will get to check your preparation level or enhance your knowledge by learning the unknown questions. You will also get a clear idea of the exam environment and exam pattern you will face in the actual exam with the Symantec API Management Technical Specialist Sample Practice Test. Therefore, solve the Broadcom API Management Technical sample questions to stay one step forward in grabbing the Broadcom API Management Technical Specialist credential.

These Broadcom 250-573 sample questions are simple and basic questions similar to the actual Broadcom API Management Technical questions. If you want to evaluate your preparation level, we suggest taking our Symantec API Management Technical Specialist Premium Practice Test. You might face difficulties while solving the real-exam-like questions. But, you can work hard and build your confidence on the syllabus topics through unlimited practice attempts.

Broadcom 250-573 Sample Questions:

01. Why might you use an Evaluate Request XPath assertion?
(Choose two)
a) To validate an X.509 certificate context variable
b) To break a policy into different paths for different types of operations
c) To help provide preferential routing to unique customers with special considerations
d) To check that HTML form fields appear a minimum number of times or do not appear more than once

02. Folders are useful for organizing your services and policies. Which statements about folders are TRUE?
(Choose two)
a) Only a user with the administrator role can create folders.
b) The Update Folder role provides the ability to read the update services or policies within the folder.
c) The Manage Folder role allows a user to create, read, update, and delete services or policies within the folder.
d) Folders can be placed into zones, which will enable a user with the corresponding Manage X Zone role to manage folders that are in the X zone.

03. Which feature characterizes the CA Mobile API Gateway (MAG) enterprise browser?
It displays a trusted group of enterprise-approved applications on a device.
b) It enables API developers to grant or deny access to protected APIs based on the physical location of the application user.
c) It displays a list of WebSocket clients and servers that CA API Gateway can communicate with for inbound and outbound messages.
d) It enables developers to configure the MAG to communicate with the Apple Push Notification (APN) service and the Apple Feedback service

04. When you build a RESTful policy, you can use an assertion that can take a single-valued input and convert it to a multi-valued context variable that can be accessed later in the policy.
Which assertion enables you to do this?
Join Variable
b) Split Variable
c) Look up Context Variable
d) Manipulate Multivalued Variable

05. Before you install the CA Mobile API Gateway (MAG), it is important to understand the network zones you will use. Your implementation will use an Internal zone and a DMZ zone.
The zones appear in the Policy Manager. The DMZ zone contains external-facing endpoints and handles user requests coming from the SDK.
What is this zone responsible for?

(Choose three)
a) MAG Manager
b) OAuth test clients
c) Mobile Single Sign-On (Mobile SSO) protocols
d) Touchless login using quick response (QR) codes

06. In which circumstance do you typically use the Gateway Migration Utility (GMU)?
When you need to clone an entire Gateway
b) When you need to migrate policies, services, or entities
c) When you need to migrate system files such as or
d) When you need to configure Command Line Policy Migration Tool (CMT) mappings using a web browser interface

07. You are required to authenticate a user through HTTP Basic Authentication and to ensure that the user is a member of at least one of three different groups.
Which assertion or sequence of assertions should you use?
Require HTTP Basic Credentials, specifying the list of groups as attributes of the assertion
b) Three separate Authenticate User or Group assertions inside an At Least One Assertion Must Evaluate to True folder
c) Require HTTP Basic Credentials and three separate Authenticate User or Group assertions inside an At Least One Assertion Must Evaluate to True folder
d) Three separate Authenticate User or Group assertions inside an At Least One Assertion Must Evaluate to True folder and the Require HTTP Basic Credentials assertion

08. All OAuth Toolkit (OTK) features are implemented using policies in the Policy Manager. With the Policy Manager, you can customize specific policies. What are some examples of customization?
(Choose two)
a) Adding new client keys
b) Changing token lifetimes
c) Configuring trusted applications groups
d) Updating policies to support Oracle database

09. When you publish a web service using the Policy Manager, you use the Publish Web API wizard to publish an API and:
non-SOAP applications.
b) RESTful proxies only.
c) existing WSDL documents.
d) web services that require the generation of a new WSDL document.

10. The CA API Gateway virtual appliance is delivered as an open virtual appliance (OVA) file. What does the OVA file contain?
(Choose three)
a) VMware Player
b) A 64-bit Linux OS
c) SQL Server 2014 Express
d) A MySQL enterprise database
e) The latest Java Development Kit (JDK)


Question: 01
Answer: b, c
Question: 02
Answer: c, d
Question: 03
Answer: a
Question: 04
Answer: b
Question: 05
Answer: a, c, d
Question: 06
Answer: b
Question: 07
Answer: c
Question: 08
Answer: b, d
Question: 09
Answer: a
Question: 10
Answer: b, d, e

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