The 201-TMOS Administration exam is the second exam required to achieve Certified F5 BIG-IP Administrator status. To receive F5 BIG-IP Administrator certification, candidates must pass the F5-101 Application Delivery Fundamentals exam and the F5-201 TMOS Administration exam. This article will focus on F5-201 TMOS Administration exam details, how to prepare for F5 201 exam, and reasons to use practice test to propel exam preparation.
Overview of F5-201 Exam
This exam marks the second and last hurdle for candidates aspiring to attain the F5 Certified Administrator, BIG IP designation. Success in this test demonstrates the ability to independently handle daily tasks and address fundamental issues with TMOS-based devices across different application settings, post-installation, configuration, and deployment.
The F5 201 TMOS Administration exam comprises 80 questions and has a duration of 90 minutes. Candidates are required to pay an exam fee of $180 (USD). To pass the exam, candidates need to achieve a minimum score of 245 out of 350.