Trust and Fiduciary Advisor Simulator

7 Proven Tips to Help You Ace the ABA CTFA Exam

7 Simple Steps to Ace Your ABA CTFA Exam

The Certified Trust and Fiduciary Advisor (CTFA) certification is offered by the American Bankers Association (ABA). This designation offers education and expertise in taxes, investments, financial planning, trusts, and estates. The CTFA exam suits individuals pursuing banking, brokering, financial planning, taxation, or trust administration careers.

The CTFA certification signifies proficiency in the field of trust and financial advising. To attain this designation, individuals must possess a minimum amount of experience in wealth management, successfully finish sanctioned training programs, and pass a comprehensive examination. Ongoing education is also required to uphold the CTFA credential.

The American Bankers Association (ABA) characterizes professional wealth management experience as offering guidance to clients, whether directly or indirectly, concerning trusts, estates, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), other qualified retirement plans, and custody and individual asset management accounts.

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