EXIN ASM Certification Sample Questions

ASM Dumps, ASM PDF, ASM VCE, EXIN Agile Scrum Master VCE, EXIN ASM PDFThe purpose of this Sample Question Set is to provide you with information about the EXIN Agile Scrum Master (ASM) exam. These sample questions will make you very familiar with both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the ASM certification test. To get familiar with real exam environment, we suggest you try our Sample EXIN ASM Certification Practice Exam. This sample practice exam gives you the feeling of reality and is a clue to the questions asked in the actual EXIN Agile Scrum Master certification exam.

These sample questions are simple and basic questions that represent likeness to the real EXIN Agile Scrum Master exam questions. To assess your readiness and performance with real-time scenario based questions, we suggest you prepare with our Premium EXIN ASM Certification Practice Exam. When you solve real time scenario based questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve.

EXIN ASM Sample Questions:

01. Even in large development projects it can be best to have only one product backlog for one product. To manage that single product backlog properly, the backlog cannot be too large.
How should the product backlog be kept to a reasonable size?
a) By using epics and grouping small stories into themes
b) By proactively eliminating dependencies between user stories
c) By sharing accountability for the product backlog with others
d) By forecasting what the next several releases must look like
02. A team has recently started working with Scrum. Their former manager is now acting as the Product Owner of the team. Before the transition, the Product Owner was used to dividing the tasks over the team members.
The Product Owner keeps doing this after the transition to Agile, because it worked so well before the transition. The Developers are just accepting this, without even discussing the matter.
Should the Product Owner keep dividing the tasks?
a) Yes, because the Product Owner is best placed to determine what must be done and by whom.
b) Yes, because the team has had great results with this person dividing tasks before the transition.
c) No, because the Developers are the only persons in the team that may divide the tasks in Scrum.
d) No, because the team has not discussed what the best way of dividing the tasks is for this team.
03. Aisha is a Scrum Master. During a sprint, she realizes the team will not deliver a potentially shippable product at the end of this sprint.
Aisha suspects that this is because the team does not review all of the code before it gets checked in. What should Aisha do?
a) Ask the Product Owner for permission to cancel the current sprint
b) Ask the team to analyze what can be done better the next sprint
c) Demand that the team reviews all code before it gets checked in
d) Extend the sprint length in order to deliver the shippable product
04. Yellow Industries is losing customers. The main complaint of their customers is that Yellow Industries just does not make the product that they want. The board wants to start working in a more Agile manner to make the company financially healthy again.
How would working in a more Agile manner benefit Yellow Industries most?
a) It would help create a more friendly environment for the personnel which increases valuable output.
b) It would help make the customers more responsible for expressing what they want before development.
c) It would help reduce the personnel costs of the company because Agile is an efficient way of working.
d) It would help the company to create more customer value by working closer together with the customers.
05. An Agile way of working offers more predictability and more flexibility than traditional ways of working. How does Scrum help to achieve more predictability and flexibility?
a) - By having a daily meeting at the same time to help bring predictability
​- By introducing a Scrum board to track the work to help bring flexibility
b) - By making a new sprint planning every sprint to help bring predictability
​- By not having fixed working hours for the team to help bring flexibility
c) - By using an estimate of the team’s velocity to help bring predictability
​- By reordering the product backlog items as needed to help bring flexibility
d) - By using sprint retrospectives to change processes to help bring predictability
​- By having strict service level expectations (SLEs) to help bring flexibility
06. A team is transitioning to Scrum. One of the team members, Alexander, really seems to dislike Scrum. He is actively speaking out against Scrum practices and is turning the mood of any meeting sour. Alexander is a saboteur. Addy is the Scrum Master of the team and wants Alexander to stop, so that the team can succeed.
What is the best way for the Scrum Master to respond to Alexander’s resistance to Scrum?
a) Do not let Alexander talk in meetings, move him to another team, or if that all fails, consider firing him
b) Acknowledge Alexander’s fears and address them, while involving him in discussions and activities.
c) Make sure Alexander understands Scrum, give him some time to adjust, and appoint a champion skeptic
d) Model the desired behaviors, involve Alexander in team activities, and praise him for doing the right thing
07. Business requirements can change at any time, so by doing only the necessary work for the required step to be considered complete, the project team saves efforts and time. Which Agile methodology is best represented by this statement?
b) Kanban
c) LeSS
d) SAFe
08. During a sprint, a Developer does not understand the user story he is working on. This is a potential roadblock for the success of the project. What should the Scrum Master do to enable the Developer to work at capacity?
a) Ask the Developer to ignore the story and put it on the product backlog until the team understands it
b) Ask the Developer to spend more time analyzing and researching the user story to help understand it
c) Ask the Product Owner to explain the user story and find a resource to help the Developer understand it
d) Ask the Product Owner to put the user story back on the product backlog and improve and rewrite it
09. Which tasks and responsibilities belong to the Scrum Master?
a) The Scrum Master helps to arrange meetings and coordinate work, helps with tracking progress of tasks with the aid of visual tools and helps team members overcome difficulties.
b) The Scrum Master assesses the maturity of the team and informs the Product Owner in case training or coaching are necessary, so the Product Owner can act appropriately.
c) The Scrum Master keeps track of the product backlog and makes sure the Product Owner and the Developers clearly understand the items and their order, priority, and value.
d) The Scrum Master manages the Developers and reviews and allocates tasks at the daily scrum meeting so that all team members can maintain focus on the tasks committed to.
10. Cross-functional teams are better at estimating the size of new tasks than other teams. Why do they make better estimates?
a) Because the team can do with less planning than other teams
b) Because the team does not have to hand off work to other teams
c) Because the team has a person that specializes in task estimations
d) Because the team has all competencies needed to accomplish the work


Question: 01
Answer: a
Question: 02
Answer: d
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: d
Question: 05
Answer: c
Question: 06
Answer: b
Question: 07
Answer: a
Question: 08
Answer: c
Question: 09
Answer: a
Question: 10
Answer: d

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