EXIN DEVOPSM Certification Sample Questions

DEVOPSM Dumps, DEVOPSM PDF, DEVOPSM VCE, EXIN DevOps Master VCE, EXIN DEVOPSM PDFThe purpose of this Sample Question Set is to provide you with information about the EXIN DevOps Master (DEVOPSM) exam. These sample questions will make you very familiar with both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the DEVOPSM certification test. To get familiar with real exam environment, we suggest you try our Sample EXIN DEVOPSM Certification Practice Exam. This sample practice exam gives you the feeling of reality and is a clue to the questions asked in the actual EXIN DevOps Master certification exam.

These sample questions are simple and basic questions that represent likeness to the real EXIN DevOps Master exam questions. To assess your readiness and performance with real-time scenario based questions, we suggest you prepare with our Premium EXIN DEVOPSM Certification Practice Exam. When you solve real time scenario based questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve.

EXIN DEVOPSM Sample Questions:

01. Continuous monitoring of the maturity of DevOps in an organization is a critical capability. It enables collaboration across IT specialties, and reduces or eliminates unproductive behaviors that all too frequently appear in organizations with operational silos. Continuous monitoring is different from conventional monitoring.
What is the main requirement of continuous monitoring?
a) Bringing a component to the desired status in a fully automated way
b) Getting Development and Operations to work together in each value stream
c) Having organizational alignment and a focus on the production environment
d) Taking a holistic view of the organization’s complex application environment
02. When looking at an organization’s DevOps maturity, it is important to have a multidimensional perspective of the organization, its capabilities, and its maturity in each of these dimensions.
The DevOps continuous assessment architecture can be represented as a cube. What is represented on the sides of the DevOps cube?
a) Flow, feedback, learning and experimentation, governance, deployment, and quality assurance
b) Monitoring, information, communication, assessment, control, and activities
c) People, process, partners, technology, quality assurance, and culture
d) Requirements, processes, resources, organization, maturity, and capability
03. What is the largest direct benefit of making sure team members have meaningful work?
a) It helps to increase the confidence of the team that they can accomplish DevOps work.
b) It helps to deliver all DevOps projects from the team on time and within budget.
c) It helps to decrease burnout and increases employee loyalty and engagement.
d) It helps to retain the team members because no one wants to leave their job.
04. What is the most effective mechanism for migrating data in an automated way?
a) Create smaller datasets to keep migrations manageable
b) Develop a rollback procedure for when the migration fails
c) Ensure proper testing of scripts before migrating the data
d) Set up database versioning and keep strict version control
05. A team is working on an application and wants to start working with continuous delivery. During a process improvement session, the team discusses what practice they should use to achieve continuous delivery. What should the team do?
a) The team should start using Scrum as its management practice along with quarterly release planning to increase agility.
b) The team should start working on improving continuous integration of branches and automated testing of their application.
c) The team should work on cultural change using Agile change management practices and feedback loops for reporting.
d) The team should work on Kanban implementation on the team level while creating a loosely coupled architecture.
06. Transformational leadership is said to be one of the most overlooked aspects of DevOps. Why is transformational leadership essential for DevOps success across the organization?
a) Because upper management must trust employees and encourage them to experiment without punishment
b) Because DevOps will fail if not all employees, including upper management, understand DevOps well
c) Because the changes that are necessary for continuous delivery must be mandated by upper management
d) Because commitment from upper management allows them to change processes to counteract resistance
07. DevOps, Agile, Scrum, Lean and Kanban can all add value to an organization in their own way. What unique value does DevOps bring to an organization?
a) DevOps allows regular feedback loops from customers by setting a sustainable development cadence.
b) DevOps ensures the Development and Operations teams use the same task board to coordinate tasks.
c) DevOps focuses on releasing continuously to deliver value to the customer quickly in an efficient process.
d) DevOps provides the new services just-in-time while focusing on efficiency by eliminating wasteful work.
08. Part of DevOps is making sure relevant information is visually displayed for the Developers. What is the main type of data that should be displayed for the Developers?
a) Customer feedback of the day, including complaints and feature requests, to allow developers to fail fast
b) Individual developer productivity, including number of hours worked, to allow developers to compete
c) Overall project progress, including budget information, to allow developers to make strategic decisions
d) Product quality data, including failures and defect rates, to allow developers to make informed decisions
09. Single-piece flow in software development means that the focus is on a single feature that is continuously worked on until it is done. Why is single-piece flow important for DevOps?
a) It allows the team to work at a sustainable and predictable pace with a constant velocity.
b) It helps the team to add value by delivering high-priority features when they are relevant.
c) It increases the shared responsibility of picking up tasks among all team members.
d) It reduces bottlenecks by limiting the number of team members that work on a feature.
10. An organization is planning to implement continuous integration. The organization’s development team agrees with this new way of working and has already selected automation tools, which will build software from the command line. Which other activity is a prerequisite for continuous integration?
a) Absolute paths should be eliminated, because this is necessary for integration with third-party libraries
b) Infrastructure access should be controlled, because this ensures no one can make unapproved changes.
c) Value streams should be documented, because this helps identify areas that are in need of improvement.
d) Version control should be established, because this makes it clear what was done when, by whom, and why.


Question: 01
Answer: d
Question: 02
Answer: a
Question: 03
Answer: c
Question: 04
Answer: d
Question: 05
Answer: b
Question: 06
Answer: a
Question: 07
Answer: c
Question: 08
Answer: d
Question: 09
Answer: b
Question: 10
Answer: d

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