EXIN LSSA Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt (LSSYB) Exam Syllabus

LSSYB PDF, LSSYB Dumps, LSSYB VCE, EXIN LSSA Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Questions PDF, EXIN LSSA Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt VCE, EXIN LSSYB Dumps, EXIN LSSYB PDFUse this quick start guide to collect all the information about EXIN LSSYB Certification exam. This study guide provides a list of objectives and resources that will help you prepare for items on the EXIN LSSA Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt (LSSYB) exam. The Sample Questions will help you identify the type and difficulty level of the questions and the Practice Exams will make you familiar with the format and environment of an exam. You should refer this guide carefully before attempting your actual EXIN LSSA Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification exam.

The EXIN LSSYB certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in Lean domain. The EXIN LSSA Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt exam verifies that the candidate possesses the fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of EXIN LSSYB.

EXIN LSSYB Exam Summary:

Exam Name EXIN LSSA Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
Exam Code LSSYB
Exam Price $289 (USD)
Duration 60 mins
Number of Questions 50
Passing Score 63%
Books / Training LSSA Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Web Page
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EXIN LSSYB Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details

World-class performance - 16%

Continuous improvement

- The learning element ‘continuous improvement’ reviews the history, values and principles of the most common process improvement methodologies. Also, the culture within a continuous improvement organization as well as roles and responsibilities are reviewed
- The candidate can...

  • recall the origins of quality management, Kaizen and Lean.
  • understand that Lean philosophy and principles realize improvements in process lead times and efficiencies.
  • recall the difference between Top-Down and Bottom-Up approaches.
  • understand the different maturity levels of process management as described in the Continuous Improvement Maturity Model (CIMM).
  • recall the various continuous improvement roles and responsibilities.
Customer value - The learning element ‘customer value’ reviews customer identification (internal/external), customer requirements and the CTQ-measure.
- The candidate can…
  • understand the Voice of the Customer (VOC).
  • understand that different customers have different needs, expectations, requirements, and desires.
  • understand that VOC requirements need to be translated into Critical to Quality (CTQ) targets and specifications.

Policy development and deployment - 5.3%

Policy development - The learning element ‘policy development’ explains the importance of a so-called True North and how to develop an operational excellence strategy.
- The candidate can…
  • understand the meaning and importance of the organization's True North.
  • understand the meaning of Operational Excellence.
Policy deployment - The learning element ‘policy deployment’ is focusing on the execution process of the improvement strategy. Within this element financial and performance metrics will be reviewed.
- The candidate can…
  • recall that an organization's culture can influence the success of Lean Six Sigma deployment.

Project management - 11.3%

Managing a project - The learning element ‘managing a project’ reviews how to set up, plan and execute a project.
- The candidate can…
  • understand the process of project selection.
  • describe a proper problem statement in relation to customer requirements or complaints.
Process improvement roadmaps - The learning element ‘process improvement roadmaps’ reviews a number of roadmaps, including PDCA and DMAIC.
- The candidate can…
  • understand project management methods that are used at the shop floor for Kaizen initiatives (e.g. PDCA, A3-report).
  • understand and follow the DMAIC roadmap.

Creating a solid foundation - 7.3%

Professional work environment

- The learning element ‘professional work environment’ is about good housekeeping and how to set up a proper and safe work environment in a structured manner.
- The candidate can…

  • understand how organizing the work environment, by applying 5S (Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain), will improve safety and moral.
Standardized work - The learning element ‘standardized work’ is about implementing and improving standards and protocols.
- The candidate can…
  • understand that standardized tasks are the foundation for continuous improvement.
  • interpret standard operating procedures (SOPs) and one-point-lessons.
Quality management - The learning element ‘quality management’ is about developing procedures to identify and detect defects. Also preventing mistakes and avoiding problems is part of this element.
- The candidate can…
  • understand quality procedures, the need to be disciplined and to work according to procedures.

Creating a continuous improvement culture - 16%

Visual management - The learning element ‘visual management’ reviews how to set up a workplace that is organized and self-explaining.
- The candidate can…
  • apply elements of Visual Workplace and understand how these can help to control the improved process.
Performance management - The learning element ‘performance management’ reviews how to set targets, and how to organize the work to be done. The learning element also reviews how to facilitate improvement teams at the shopfloor that work on Kaizen improvement initiatives and Problem Solving.
- The candidate can…
  • participate in stand-up meetings and Scrum sessions.
  • describe and understand the importance of the Kaizen principles.
  • participate in Kaizen events and continuous improvement initiatives.
  • apply root cause analysis and understand the issues involved in identifying a root cause.
Basic quality tools - The learning element ‘basic quality tools’ reviews techniques to visualize data and guidelines how to facilitate and participate in brainstorm sessions.
- The candidate can…
  • understand brainstorm techniques: Affinity diagram, 5-Whys and Ishikawa.
  • participate in brainstorm sessions.
  • understand basic quality tools to visualize data: Scatter plot, Pareto chart, Bar chart, Pie chart, Time series plot and Histogram.

Creating stable and efficient processes - 26.8%

Process mapping - The learning element ‘process mapping’ reviews a number of tools to map and analyze the flow of a process.
- The candidate can…
  • understand the Spaghetti diagram and SIPOC.
  • understand the importance of process mapping to visualize the flow of activities and decisions within a process.
Performance metrics - The learning element ‘performance metrics’ reviews performance metrics for both logistics as for quality.
- The candidate can…
  • recall performance metrics related to time (e.g. takt time, cycle time and lead time).
  • recall performance metrics related to quality (e.g. Yield and RTY).
Basic statistics - The learning element ‘basic statistics’ reviews different types of data, measurement scales and data collection tools. Also, a set of measures (statistics) that characterizes a given set of data are reviewed.
- The candidate can…
  • recall the different types of data and that there is a difference between counting and measuring.
  • understand tools for collecting data such as data sheets and check sheets.
Value stream analysis - The learning element ‘value stream analysis’ reviews how to create a Value Stream Map of the current situation.
- The candidate can…
  • understand the difference between value adding and non-value adding activities.
Reducing Muda (Waste) - The learning element ‘reducing Muda’ reviews how to identify and eliminate Waste in the organization and its processes.
- The candidate can…
  • identify and eliminate process Waste (Muda): Overproduction, Waiting, Transport, Overprocessing, Inventory, Movement, Defects and Unused expertise.
Reducing Muri (Overburden) - The learning element ‘reducing Muri’ reviews how to identify overburden in the organization. This element also reviews how to implement flow and work balancing to reduce overburden.
- The candidate can…
  • understand the meaning of Flow.
Reducing Mura (Unevenness) - The learning element ‘reducing Mura’ reviews how to identify unevenness in the organization and its processes. This element also reviews a number of techniques to reduce unevenness.
- The candidate can…
  • understand the meaning of Pull.
Process and quality control - The learning element ‘process and quality control’ looks at how results that have been achieved in process improvement projects can be sustained. This element reviews the following techniques and principles: First Time Right, Jidoka and Poka Yoke.
- The candidate can…
  • understand the importance of First Time Right principles.
  • understand the work has to be stopped when there is a quality problem (Jidoka).
  • identify opportunities to apply Poka Yoke to avoid quality problems.

Creating capable processes - 17.3%

Statistical techniques - The learning element ‘statistical techniques’ reviews a number of metrics that are often used in Six Sigma projects. The element also reviews a number of sampling methods for assuring data accuracy and integrity.
- The candidate can…
  • understand the difference between special cause and common cause variation.
  • understand it is important to follow systematic data collection.
  • understand the basic terms of statistics e.g. mean and spread.
Distributions - The learning element ‘distributions’ reviews a number of continuous and discrete distributions. The element also reviews the central limit theorem and a number of probability concepts.
- The candidate can…
  • recall that many processes are normally distributed.
Measurement systems - The learning element ‘measurement systems’ reviews how to evaluate measurement systems.
- The candidate can…
  • understand the importance of reliable measurement systems
Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals - The learning element ‘hypothesis testing & confidence intervals’ reviews test methods that are used to test a hypothesis. This learning element also discusses Confidence Intervals that indicate the reliability of test conclusions.
- The candidate can…
  • recall the basic principles of hypothesis testing.
Tests for means, variances and proportions - The learning element ‘tests for means, variances and proportions’ reviews the basic principles of hypothesis testing.
- The candidate can…
  • recall the basic principles of tests of means.
Correlation and regression - The learning element ‘correlation and regression’ describes the predictive models using regression techniques to determine the relation between factors on a response.
- The candidate can…
  • recall the basic principles or correlation.
  • recall the basic principles of linear regression.

To ensure success in EXIN LSSYB certification exam, we recommend authorized training course, practice test and hands-on experience to prepare for EXIN LSSA Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt (LSSYB) exam.

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