EXIN SIAMF Certification Sample Questions

SIAMF Dumps, SIAMF PDF, SIAMF VCE, EXIN SIAM Foundation VCE, , EXIN SIAMF PDFThe purpose of this Sample Question Set is to provide you with information about the EXIN SIAM Foundation (SIAMF) exam. These sample questions will make you very familiar with both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the SIAMF certification test. To get familiar with real exam environment, we suggest you try our Sample EXIN SIAMF Certification Practice Exam. This sample practice exam gives you the feeling of reality and is a clue to the questions asked in the actual EXIN SIAM Foundation certification exam.

These sample questions are simple and basic questions that represent likeness to the real EXIN SIAM Foundation exam questions. To assess your readiness and performance with real-time scenario based questions, we suggest you prepare with our Premium EXIN SIAMF Certification Practice Exam. When you solve real time scenario based questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve.

EXIN SIAMF Sample Questions:

01. A provider of hosting services experienced recurring incidents that affected all end-to-end services. Using information from the other service providers, facilitated by the service integrator, they developed an innovation which permanently resolved the underlying root cause.
Who should be rewarded?
a) All service providers and the service integrator
b) All service providers but not the service integrator
c) The provider of hosting services only
d) The service integrator only
02. Which organization is unlikely to get the full value from SIAM™?
a) One with a mix of internal and external service providers
b) One with a single service provider only
c) One with external service providers only
d) One with internal service providers only
03. Defining the level of control and ownership to be retained by a customer organization is important. Which is a risk of leaving this undecided?
a) It will be challenging to assign responsibility for service failures.
b) Service providers may be unwilling to collaborate.
c) The service integrator may be unable to perform its role.
d) The success of the SIAM program cannot be measured.
04. In the hybrid service integrator structure, which two parties collaborate to provide the service integrator capability?
a) Customer organization and external organization
b) Customer organization and internal service integrator
c) External service integrator and lead supplier
d) Internal service integrator and retained capabilities
05. When integrating processes across service providers, which should be used to identify and avoid gaps in process flows?
a) DevOps
b) Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
c) RACI matrix
d) Service Level Agreement (SLA)
06. What is a responsibility of a service provider in a SIAM ecosystem?
a) End-to-end integration
b) Delivery
c) Governance
d) Strategy
07. An organization wants to transition to SIAM. They want to avoid service providers making accusations of the service integrator being biased. In which two structures is this behavior most unlikely?
Please remember to select two answers.
a) External service integrator
b) Hybrid service integrator
c) Internal service integrator
d) Lead supplier as a service integrator
08. Who decides what roles and responsibilities in the SIAM model will be sourced externally?
a) Service integrator
b) Internal service providers
c) External service providers
d) Customer organization
09. How are ITIL processes and SIAM related?
a) ITIL process outcomes are different from SIAM process outcomes and provide other insights.
b) ITIL processes can be used in a SIAM ecosystem without any adaptation.
c) SIAM builds on the ITIL's service management elements and extends them.
d) SIAM is a replacement for ITIL and therefore does not use any of its processes.
10. In which stage of the SIAM roadmap should the principles and policies for roles and responsibilities be defined?
a) Discovery & Strategy
b) Implement
c) Plan & Build
d) Run & Improve


Question: 01
Answer: a
Question: 02
Answer: b
Question: 03
Answer: c
Question: 04
Answer: a
Question: 05
Answer: c
Question: 06
Answer: b
Question: 07
Answer: b, c
Question: 08
Answer: d
Question: 09
Answer: c
Question: 10
Answer: a

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