Huawei HCIE-Datacom (H12-891) Certification Sample Questions

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These Huawei H12-891 sample questions are simple and basic questions similar to the actual Huawei HCIE-Datacom questions. If you want to evaluate your preparation level, we suggest taking our Huawei Certified ICT Expert-Datacom Premium Practice Test. You might face difficulties while solving the real-exam-like questions. But, you can work hard and build your confidence on the syllabus topics through unlimited practice attempts.

Huawei H12-891 Sample Questions:

01. What are the characteristics of Syslog information?
The transmission of Syslog messages is not secure
b) The transmission of Syslog messages is reliable
c) The transmission of Syslog messages is confirmable
d) The transmission of Syslog messages is secure
e) The transmission of Syslog messages is not acknowledgable
f) The transmission of Syslog messages is unreliable
02. A router receives a BGP route with the community attribute NO-Export, how will the router handle the BGP route?
The route is advertised normally, but the route is not used to forward data.
b) Advertise only to IBGP neighbors.
c) No more advertising to other BGP routers.
d) Drop the route directly.
03. What are the following statements about 802.1X, RADIUS, and HWTACACS authentication?
(Multiple choice)
a) Users can use 802.1X authentication to access the network and complete identity authentication through RADIUS.
b) RADIUS authentication and HWTACACS authentication can perform two-factor authentication for the same user at the same time, which is more secure.
c) RADIUS authentication and HWTACACS authentication are mutually exclusive and cannot be two-factor authentication for the same user at the same time.
d) RADIUS authentication is mutually exclusive with 802.1X authentication.
04. The switch role in a stacking system does not include which of the following?
From the switch
b) Candidate Switch
c) Standby Switch
d) Primary Switch
05. You need to access the subnets of different VPNs in the VXLAN network. One subnet exports RT=10:1000 in the EVPN instance and RT=100:1000 in the VPN instance.
Which of the following can be broadcasted to another subnet?
All EVPN instances are 1000:1000
b) In VPN instances, it is 10:10
c) 1000:1000 appears in VPN instances
d) EVPN implements 1000:1000 export
06. To build a loop-free Layer 2 network, which is the optimal solution?
(Single Choice)
a) Stacking + Link Aggregation
b) Link Collection + MSTP
07. Which of the following statements about the aggregate command in BGP are correct?
If origin-policy is configured, only detail routes that match route-policy can participate in aggregation.
b) If suppress-policy is configured, aggregate routes are also generated, and the if-match clause in route-policy is used to pick suppressed detail routes. Detail routes that match route-policy are still advertised to other BGP neighbors.
c) If you configure the interface-policy, you can change the properties of the aggregate route.
d) If as-set is configured, the AS_PATH of the aggregate route contains AS path information for all specific routes in case the route loop is blocked.
08. Regarding the following BGP route policy configuration, which statement is correct?
As long as the BGP route carries a community attribute value of 100:1, the BGP route matches the route policy above. The AS-PATH attribute of the matching route is changed to 200.
b) Only if the BGP route carries an AS-PATH of 100, the BGP route matches the route policy above. The AS-PATH attribute that matches the route is changed to 200.
c) The BGP route matches the above only if the BGP route carries a community attribute value of 100:1 AND the AS-PATH is 100. The AS-PATH attribute that matches the route is changed to 200.
d) The BGP route matches the above only if the BGP route carries a community attribute value of 100:1 OR if the AS PATH is 100. The AS-PATH attribute that matches the route is changed to 200.
09. Which of the following sequences can be matched by the regular expression ^(100|200).*$?
300200 100
b) 200 100 300
c) 100 200 300
d) 100,300,200
10. By default, which of the following security MAC address types lose table entries after the device restarts?
Sticty MAC address
b) Black hole MAC address
c) Secure static MAC address
d) Secure dynamic MAC address


Question: 01
Answer: a, e, f
Question: 02
Answer: b
Question: 03
Answer: a, c
Question: 04
Answer: b
Question: 05
Answer: c, d
Question: 06
Answer: a
Question: 07
Answer: a, c, d
Question: 08
Answer: c
Question: 09
Answer: b, c
Question: 10
Answer: d

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