Splunk Enterprise Admin (SPLK-1003) Certification Sample Questions

Splunk SPLK-1003 VCE, Enterprise Admin Dumps, SPLK-1003 PDF, SPLK-1003 Dumps, Enterprise Admin VCE, Splunk Enterprise Administrator PDFGetting knowledge of the Splunk SPLK-1003 exam structure and question format is vital in preparing for the Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin certification exam. Our Splunk Enterprise Admin sample questions offer you information regarding the question types and level of difficulty you will face in the real exam. The benefit of using these Splunk SPLK-1003 sample questions is that you will get to check your preparation level or enhance your knowledge by learning the unknown questions. You will also get a clear idea of the exam environment and exam pattern you will face in the actual exam with the Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Sample Practice Test. Therefore, solve the Splunk Enterprise Administrator sample questions to stay one step forward in grabbing the Splunk Enterprise Certified Administrator credential.

These Splunk SPLK-1003 sample questions are simple and basic questions similar to the actual Splunk Enterprise Admin questions. If you want to evaluate your preparation level, we suggest taking our Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Premium Practice Test. You might face difficulties while solving the real-exam-like questions. But, you can work hard and build your confidence on the syllabus topics through unlimited practice attempts.

Splunk SPLK-1003 Sample Questions:

01. If an update is made to an attribute in inputs.conf on a universal forwarder, on which Splunk component would the fishbucket need to be reset in order to reindex the data?
a) Indexer
b) Search head
c) Deployment server
d) Forwarder
02. An organization wants to collect Windows performance data from a set of clients, however, installing Splunk software on these clients is not allowed. What option is available to collect this data in Splunk Enterprise?
a) Use Local Windows host monitoring.
b) Use Windows Remote Inputs with WMI.
c) Use Local Windows network monitoring.
d) Use an index with an Index Data Type of Metrics.
03. How can native authentication be disabled in Splunk?
a) Create an empty $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/passwd file
b) Remove the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/passwd file
c) Set SPLUNK_AUTHENTICATION=false in splunk-launch.conf
d) Set nativeAuthentication=false in authentication.conf
04. You update a props.conf file while Splunk is running. You do not restart Splunk and you run this command: splunk btool props list –-debug. What will the output be?
a) A list of all the configurations on-disk that Splunk contains.
b) A verbose list of all configurations as they were when splunkd started.
c) A list of props.conf configurations as they are on-disk along with a file path from which the configuration is located.
d) A list of the current running props.conf configurations along with a file path from which the configuration was made.
05. Which license type allows 500MB/day of indexing, but disables alerts, authentication, cluster, distributed search, summarization, and forwarding to non-Splunk servers?
a) Free license
b) Forwarder license
c) Enterprise license
d) Enterprise trial license
06. To set up a network input in Splunk, what needs to be specified?
a) File path.
b) Username and password.
c) Network protocol and port number.
d) Network protocol and MAC address.
07. Consider a company with a Splunk distributed environment in production. The Compliance Department wants to start using Splunk; however, they want to ensure that no one can see their reports or any other knowledge objects.
Which Splunk Component can be added to implement this policy for the new team?
a) Indexer
b) Deployment server
c) Universal forwarder
d) Search head
08. What can be used when setting the host field option on a network input?
(select all that apply)
a) IP
b) DNS
c) A binary file
d) Custom (explicit value)
09. Which Splunk component receives, indexes, and stores incoming data from forwarders?
a) Indexer
b) Search head
c) Cluster master
d) Deployment server
10. For a single line event source, it is most efficient to set SHOULD_linemerge to what value?
a) True
b) False
c) <regex string>
d) Newline Character


Question: 01
Answer: d
Question: 02
Answer: b
Question: 03
Answer: a
Question: 04
Answer: c
Question: 05
Answer: a
Question: 06
Answer: c
Question: 07
Answer: d
Question: 08
Answer: a, b, d
Question: 09
Answer: a
Question: 10
Answer: b

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